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November 29, 2021
How to Safely Open a Mouse Trap

Spring-loaded traps are some of the most common types of traps that you can find. This is because they’re mostly affordable, can be bought in bulk, and effective. It does this by snapping down with its powerful spring mechanism. The problem that most people face is that setting up the trap requires you to pull […]

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November 27, 2021
How to Stiffen the Spring of a Mouse Trap

Rodent problems are universal, and people around the world address these problems through using mouse traps, which have proven effective and even more innovative through time. The heart of an effective trap is the spring, what is called a helical torsion spring, or simply a torsion spring. It's a spring that operates on a twisting […]

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November 25, 2021
Facts About Mouse Traps That You Need to Know

Rodents are a common household pest that often lurk in the shadows in the cracks, crevices, and small crawl spaces inside your home. Unlike termites that can be difficult to detect and control on your own, rodent control at home can be easily done by placing mouse traps. These bait stations or traps are one […]

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October 31, 2021
How To Naturally Kill Flying Termites Without Chemicals

Winged termite swarmers are a serious sign that you may have a termite infestation. At the very first sightings of their traces in your home, it is a smart move to immediately set up termite bait traps to prevent the infestation from getting worse. Most termite killers and termiticide options in the market are chemical-based […]

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October 31, 2021
Will a Termite Bait Station Work With Flying Termites?

Termites are extremely destructive pests and without any sort of structural protection, they can easily make their way to your home and start an infestation. Naturally, no homeowner wants to have a termite infestation so it’s always best to set up your defenses as early as possible. One of the popular termite control measures is […]

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October 31, 2021
Why Do Flying Ants and Termites Often Appear at Night?

Flying ants and winged termites are a sight that no homeowner wants to see in their homes. These two destructive pests are known to cause extensive damage that can amount to thousands of dollars in repairs. Now if you have an active ant or termite infestation, you might be wondering why they only appear at […]

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October 31, 2021
Could A Flying Termite Come From A Neighbor’s House?

There is no homeowner who’s completely safe from the risk for termite infestation and other pest problems. Without a proper termite control or barrier in place, termites will always find their way into your home in search of food source and shelter to ensure their survival. It’s important to know that termites are active almost […]

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September 29, 2021
The Best Outdoor Deck Insecticides To Kill Flying Ants and Termites

Termites can weaken or entirely destroy a house's timber-bearing structures over a few years. Termite extermination is a matter of life and death for your home. A termite treatment that you can do yourself is a must. So what are the  best outdoor deck insecticides to kill flying ants and termites? Harmful pests will have […]

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September 23, 2021
What Are Those Flying Insects That Come Out of the Drain?

There are flying insects that look like winged termites, which can be difficult to distinguish from other insects because of their similar characteristics and elements. However, drain flies can be annoying and bothersome to have in your home, and it’s essential to seek damage control immediately.  So what are those flying insects that look like […]

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September 20, 2021
Is It Okay To Spray Swarms of Termites?

Don’t be alarmed if some termites appear in and around your home. If you see flocking termites, the first thing you should do is to turn off anything that attracts them, like outside lights.  If you see dead termites, you can sweep them up or save them in a container for inspection. They don't eat […]

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September 18, 2021
What’s The Difference Between Flying Tropical Rough Head Drywood Termites and Eastern Subterranean Termites?

Termites are considered to be one of the most expensive pests, especially for homes, due to their destructive nutritional requirements. Termites, like other pests, come in a large variety of species of termites, with roughly 2,750 worldwide. Only a few of them, however, are considered pests because of their interactions with people. So what's the […]

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August 23, 2021
What Eats Spiders?

With all the pests roaming around and the multitudes of species they breed, humans don't have the power to control them completely. This is when Mother Nature takes charge. A great representation is the spider, one of the ordinary sustenance of many animals living in the ground, up in the air, and below the water. […]

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August 23, 2021
Signs of Spider Infestation

When it comes to pests, spiders are nearly in a category all their own. There’s the house spider, orb-weaver spider, brown recluse spider, cellar spider, and the list goes on. Even if most species are considered harmless and are actually reliable pest controllers, it doesn't outweigh the nuisance it brings, especially when they nest inside […]

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August 23, 2021
How To Kill Spiders

While most species are not dangerous, spiders can be a nuisance when they get inside your home. They spin webs everywhere, jump out at you when you're least expecting it, hide in your personal belongings, and leave spider bites that can be painful. Moreover, the presence of spiders can indicate another pest problem since spiders […]

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August 23, 2021
Where Do Spiders Nest?

You may have noticed a spider roaming around your home on occasion, but it's a different story if they’ve already built nests. Not only is a spider nest a dreadful sight and nuisance, but it can also lead to a troubling concern for homeowners soon, as more spiders are also set to emerge.  Where exactly […]

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July 22, 2021
The Different Types of Pest Allergies and Diseases

About 3% of adults suffer with life threatening pest allergies. People die every year from many pest related illnesses. You may not know it, but when your skin puffs up from a mosquito bite, you actually have obtained a small allergic reaction. It is important to take pest illnesses seriously, because they can ultimately be […]

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July 19, 2021
How to Keep Hornets Away

Hornets have created turmoil for humans since the beginning of time. They tend to sting when provoked and can also squirt venom into the eyes of their enemies, causing temporary blindness. On top of this, they bring nuisance and invade your personal space by building a nest in places like attics, eaves, and garages.  So, […]

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July 19, 2021
What Exactly Are Murdering Hornets?

In late 2019, two unusual hornets with orange and black markings and long stingers were spotted in Washington State. This is the first time these species invaded North America. Further investigation by the Washington State Department of Agriculture and a managing entomologist revealed they were murder hornets, the world's largest wasps, growing nearly two inches […]

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July 19, 2021
Hornets vs. Bees: What's the Difference?

Have you heard of insect species like the giant hornet, murder hornet, Asian hornet, Asian giant hornet or Vespa mandarinia, solitary wasps, and a bunch of other stinging insects? Unless you’re a beekeeper, probably not.  Because the most common types we always encounter at home are the wasp, bumble bee, honeybee, bee, and hornet. And […]

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July 19, 2021
How to Treat a Hornet Sting at Home

It's finally summer, the weather is friendly and inviting. It's time to enjoy the great outdoors. As you walk in your garden, you notice something else has come out to play: Hornets. Do they sting, and how do you treat a hornet sting at home? Yes. A hornet sting is much more powerful than an […]

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July 7, 2021
Carpenter Bees vs Bumble Bees

Carpenter bees and bumble bees can often be mistaken for each other. They may look similar but there are many differences between the two.  The easiest way to tell if you are looking at a bumble bee or a carpenter bee is the appearance of their abdomen. Bumble bees have yellow and black hair on […]

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June 10, 2021
How to Exterminate Indoor and Outdoor Ant Infestation With Ant Baits

Have you ever said, "My house is loaded with ants inside and out. I need a good bait enough to kill them all"? Ants are one of the most common pests both homeowners and renters encounter. These tiny pests can be found both indoors and outside and will survive where they find food and water […]

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June 10, 2021
Outdoor Ant Baits to Eliminate Ants in Your Yard

Ants can be quite destructive to all yard types once their numbers begin to get out of control and in plague proportions. The ant colony can cause significant cosmetic damage to your lawn as they create mounds of excavated soil on the surface of your yard known as an ant hill. Their damage can then […]

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June 10, 2021
What Are Child Safe Ways to Bait and Kill Ants?

An ant invasion is not only a source of nuisance but also a cause of damages to pieces of furniture and the property. Repellents and insecticides are two of the common products that control ant infestation. However, these products often contain toxic chemicals and substances that are harmful to people, especially young children.  So what […]

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June 10, 2021
Can Ant Bait Kill Termites?

Termites and ants are both nuisance pests that trouble homeowners each year. Their infestation could mean significant property damage since they can both attack the wood structure that makes up the foundation of the home. Knowing how to control them can minimize the destruction they can bring upon your assets.  So will ant bait kill […]

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May 30, 2021
Ways to Deal With Ants Covering Bait With Dirt

Certain ant species tend to bury large food sources that can’t be easily carried back to their nest. This essentially allows them to break down large chunks of the food source into smaller pieces, allowing them to bring it back to their colony bit by bit. If you’re currently using ant baits to deal with […]

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May 30, 2021
What Is the Best Bait for Odorous Ants?

Tapinoma sessile, better known as the odorous house ant, is an ant species native to the United States. True to their name, they emit a foul odor whenever attacked or killed. They regularly enter houses in search of food, and they tend to nest in large numbers. So it's important to perform proper odorous ant […]

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May 30, 2021
Natural Ant Bait Recipes That Actually Work

Ant infestations may not be the worst pest problem you’ll encounter, but they’re still very annoying. Aside from the damage they could cause, ants could also bring unwanted bacteria to your household. Luckily, many ant baits are available to help you entrap and get rid of these pesky insects. When it comes to ant baits, […]

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May 30, 2021
A Guide on How to Bait Ants Successfully at Home

Ants are a common household nuisance. They can be found in almost every nook and cranny inside the house and are mostly the top concern for homeowners. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), ant infestation is the number one problem in American households. So how do you successfully bait ants at home? Ant […]

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March 22, 2021
What to Do If You Find a Cockroach at Home

Cockroaches are some of the worst pests to invade a house. Seeing one scurrying around in the kitchen at night might make your skin crawl, but there’s a huge chance that the cockroach isn’t alone. There might be a serious cockroach infestation in the house that you’re not aware of, which is why it’s better […]

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March 22, 2021
Why Do I Have Roaches in My Clean House?

Cockroaches are often associated with an unsanitary environment. While this is true most of the time, many homeowners who diligently keep their house clean every day often find a roach or two scurrying in their kitchen at night. So why do cockroaches still infest a house even if it’s clean? Cockroaches are attracted to houses […]

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March 22, 2021
Best Bait for Grease Ants

Grease ants are some of the smallest pests you might find inside the house. While they’re tiny in size, the nuisance they cause is troublesome for many homeowners. The best way to eliminate the grease ants at home is to lure them out and find their colony’s nest. So what’s the best bait for grease […]

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March 22, 2021
How to Identify Between German vs. American Cockroach

Cockroaches are often associated with dirty places, which is why homeowners don’t want to see one crawling in their walls, kitchen, or bathroom. These pests contaminate food and spread diseases anywhere they go. But before grabbing a pesticide, it’s crucial to identify the cockroach in your home first. So how is it possible to tell […]

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March 22, 2021
“Why Do We Have Grease Ants?” Understanding Grease Ants In Your Home

Ant infestations might happen during any time of the year, but it’s never a welcome sight. These tiny pests make use of their small bodies to enter houses through the tiniest cracks. The best preventative measure to keep them out is by eliminating the reasons why they’re attracted to the house in the first place. […]

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February 28, 2021
5 Differences: Field Mice Vs. House Mice

It’s easy to confuse a field mouse for a house mouse, especially when you don’t know their differences. However, learning about the differences between the two rodents can help you come up with better solutions to eliminate them during an infestation.  So what are the differences between a field mouse and a house mouse? The […]

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February 28, 2021
4 Methods: How to Get Rid of Dead Mouse Smell

Aside from damage to property and health problems, one problem homeowners commonly face during a rodent infestation is the smell of dead mice. The foul odor from the decomposing body reeks throughout the entire home, causing several problems and nuisances for those who experience them.  So how do you get rid of a dead mouse’s […]

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February 28, 2021
How Do Mice Get In the House?

Every year during winter, around 21 million American households report rodent infestations. These rodents are difficult to exterminate without the help of pest management professionals, which is why it’s better to stop them from entering the house in the first place. So how do mice get inside the house? These pesky rodents utilize any opening […]

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February 28, 2021
Best Bait for Mouse Trap

When rodents like mice enter the house, many homeowners depend on the ever-reliable mousetraps to get rid of them. But sometimes, people might find that their trap takes too long to catch mice. In most cases, it’s because they’re using the wrong kind of bait on the trap. So what kind of bait effectively lures […]

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February 28, 2021
How To Know If You Have Mice or Squirrel in the Attic

Rodents are a large family of diverse animals with different characteristics. Two of the most common species of rodents are mice and squirrels. They climb nearby trees, gutter, and utility lines to get inside the house and build a nest in the attic. But to eliminate them completely, it’s crucial to identify first what pest […]

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January 30, 2021
What to Do About Rats Burrowing Under Driveway

Rats create nests in places that provide them with sufficient shelter and food, which is why it’s common to find these pests in residential properties. They burrow the ground under man-made structures because it’s a great hiding spot. However, this rodent habit damages the concrete and weakens the building’s foundation. So what is the best […]

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January 25, 2021
How To Deal With Rodent Droppings in the Attic

Rodents like mice and rats are filthy creatures that leave droppings and urine wherever they go. These rodent wastes are definite signs of rodent activity in the area. An area contaminated with rodent droppings and urine is a huge health hazard to anyone on the property, so it’s important to clean them up immediately. So […]

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January 21, 2021
How to Keep Mice from Chewing Wires

Rodents like mice and rats are pesky creatures that chew on different things to trim their constantly growing teeth. They gnaw on materials like wood, insulation, and wires. But this destructive habit leads to short circuits and broken appliances. It also increases the chances of house fires in a home. So what are the best […]

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January 18, 2021
How Rodent Bait Station Works

Rodent infestation is a common household problem that brings several health risks and structural hazards to a home. Once you spot a mouse or rat scurrying around the house, there’s a huge chance that there are already dozens of rodents nesting on the property. One of the most effective ways to get rid of these […]

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January 14, 2021
How to Clean Reusable Mouse Traps

Mousetraps are one of the most effective devices that catch mice and put a dent in the rodent population at home. Reusable traps are preferred by homeowners because they are cheap and cost-effective. But it’s crucial to clean the mouse traps before reusing them because even the dead bodies of mice are still carriers of […]

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January 12, 2021
Bugs that enter through pipes, drains, and overflow drains!

Insects like cockroaches, earwigs, waterbugs, silverfish, etc. need 3 things to survive; food, water, and shelter. Your pipes and drains provide all of that for them, so there’s a chance they might surprise you at any moment. Luckily, there are ways to kill them and prevent them from coming back. These insects are able to […]

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January 2, 2021
Does Ammonia Keep Rats Away?

There are different ways to keep rats away from your house and using ammonia is one of the most common methods. Some reasons why ammonia is so commonly used as a rodent-repellent is because it’s easily found on the market and it can be used in a variety of different ways. But does it really […]

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December 31, 2020
4 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Rodents

When faced with a rodent infestation, it is important to act on it right away to prevent it from worsening. However, many rats and mice killers on the market include poison and can pose risks to your children and pets. Because of this, you might want to consider natural ways to fix your rodent problem.   […]

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December 30, 2020
Bird Mites: What you don't know can hurt you

Image how you would feel if you had an irritating itch that wouldn't go away. Maybe you have more than one with a small rash, and over a few days, they start to multiply. You don't see any apparent cause. It's not dry skin, not itchy clothing. You begin to reason that maybe it's an […]

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December 26, 2020
Do Mothballs Repel Mice?

Nobody likes having mice in their home. Rodents inside your home can cause many problems since they can go through your food, gnaw on wires and furniture, and carry different diseases. When you notice a mice infestation in your home, it’s important to act on it right away. One popular way of eliminating rats and […]

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December 22, 2020
How To Get Rid of Rats Without Poison

Rats can be a nuisance, and it is important to act on a rat infestation right away. However, many rat killers on the market include poison, and using these can come with unwanted risks and even cause more problems.   So how can you control your rat problem without the use of poison? There are many […]

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