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Is It Okay To Spray Swarms of Termites?

September 20, 2021
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Don’t be alarmed if some termites appear in and around your home. If you see flocking termites, the first thing you should do is to turn off anything that attracts them, like outside lights.  If you see dead termites, you can sweep them up or save them in a container for inspection. They don't eat hardwood, bite, or sting; they're just a pain in the neck. Swarmers are incapable of building mud tunnels or creating visible damage to lumber.

So is it normal to see swarms of winged termites flying away when spraying to kill them? Well, it's not the best idea to just spray swarms of winged termites in your home, especially if you don’t have protective gear on, or if you’re not familiar with strategies to deal with termite problems properly. Compared to your average termites, swarmers can actually go out of control, and spraying them will do more damage than good. It’s best to let the professionals deal with termite control

What Happens if You Spray Swarms of Termites?

Don't spray the termite wings that are swarming. Swarming termites determine the location of the colony. Instead, take a deep breath and look around for where the swarmers might be entering. Tape any spots that need to be marked. Swarming termites don’t bite or sting, and they are unable to harm you, your children, or your pets in any way. 

Most likely, the moment you spray the swarm of termites, they’ll sense danger and move to a safer location. In other words, you’re not eliminating the swarmers by spraying them. This will do more harm than good as the swarmers will move to a less noticeable spot in your home, and it’ll be harder for you to control and eliminate them. An example of a less visible area they could move to after spraying these swarms is the roof. 

What To Do if You See Swarms of Termites

Termite swarmers may look like something out of a sci-fi film, yet they are a normal and required occurrence for termite survival and dissemination. So, what will you do if you come into termite swarms?

Try to Contain Them

You can accomplish this by simply closing the door to the room where they are congregating. You can place a clear plastic sack over the exit hole to allow the swarmers to fly into it.

Vacuum Them

If you see termite swarmers, vacuum them up. When you're through, just throw away the bag or empty your canister vacuum. In a short length of time, the swarming termites will fall and die. Swarmers, on the other hand, are incapable of building mud tubes or damaging timber structures.

Don’t Use Insect Spray 

Termites are swarming, so don't spray them. Swarming termites determine the location of a colony. Instead, quietly check the area for swarmers. It is unnecessary to empty a can of insecticide because it will die organically in the air.

Don’t Panic

Attempt to plug the exit holes. Swarmers must escape, and covering the holes with tape or other materials will just encourage them to create new holes through which they can escape.

What’s The Best Approach in Eliminating Termites?

Are you concerned about termite damage? If that's the case, you're not alone. Termites wreak billions of dollars in extensive damage every year, and homeowners spend more than two billion dollars treating them.

This preliminary report concentrates on how you, as a customer, may recognize termites and help keep your home from them by taking practical preventative steps and using termite treatments appropriately.

Identify What Type of Termite

Termites are found in about 40 different species in the United States solely. Although they have individual traits, the majority of them appear to be the same.

  • Size & Length: They are usually 1/4 to 1/2 inches in length.
  • Body: The bugs' bodies are delicate, and their antennae are straight.
  • Color: The colors range from pale brown to white. Swarming termites are darker than worker termites.


These are the termite species that cause the most damage. They must, however, be exposed to water frequently. As a result, they build their nests underground and occasionally attack timber foundations. Subterranean termites vary from dry-wood and damp-wood termites in that they require constant contact with the soil to obtain adequate water to survive.

Colonies can survive without ground contact in some circumstances where structural timbers are sufficiently damp. The underground colony lives in a succession of chambers and galleries where they build mud tubes to transport the wood they eat. If there is a steady water source, such as a leaking pipe or an air conditioner, they can also build their nest above ground.


Because of the wetness, damp wood termites are occasionally found in dwellings and prefer to live in the woods. Moist wood termites, unlike subterranean termites, do not need to reside in the soil and can be found in damp woods as well as soil.


Unlike moist wood termites, drywood termites can cause harm to your home. Wood, hardwood flooring, and timber are common places to find them. They don't need to be in contact with soil like moist wood termites. Drywood termites can cause damage, but they do it at a far slower rate, unlike subterranean termites.

Reproductive Termites

These termites are also known as the flying ants above the ground or prolific termites. The majority of termite activity takes place underground. These termites have the ability to live above the earth. They are frequently the earliest and most obvious indicator of activity. They go outside the colony in search of new partners and colonization sites.

Worker Termites

Moisture is required, and the organism must be kept hidden. The majority of the group is made up of employees. They excavate tunnels, find a food source, and look after the rest of the termites. They feed the colony by breaking down the cellulose in wood and grass.

Soldier Termites

Safeguard the colony from unwelcome visitors at access points while enabling their other termites to move around freely. They are able to do so because their bodies are substantially larger than other termites' and are particularly useful in blocking routes. These termites have been seen risking themselves for the benefit of the entire colony.

Nymph Termites

Termites that have not yet matured into their full potential. The worker termites take care of it. As they molt into alates or soldiers, their growth can take months.

The termite colony becomes more efficient and capable of scaling to huge numbers due to these classifications. Termite colonies typically include roughly 40,000 members. However, there is evidence of a colony as large as 70,000,000. 

Learn More: What’s The Difference Between Flying Tropical Rough Head Drywood Termites and Eastern Subterranean Termites?

Expose Termites to Sunlight

Termites resemble vampires in appearance. They make a concerted effort to stay out of the sun. They can even die if they are exposed to direct sunlight. You can break open a termite nest near your home to expose the pests to the sun. You can also carry infested logs, furniture, or other items into an area of your yard that receives direct sunlight, which can kill the termites and prevent them from spreading into your home.

You can't exactly cut out a wall and drag it into the center of your yard if termites have already infested your house. However, UV lamps that mimic the sun's rays can be rented or purchased and directed at the infestation. Because you may not be able to reach all of the termites if they go further into the house, sunlight may not be a viable approach for complete eradication in some circumstances.

Freeze Termites

Temperatures between 75 and 95° Fahrenheit are ideal for termites. Termites will perish in a matter of minutes if the temperature is over 100°F and below 25°F. Subterranean termites employ "thermal shadows" to detect different temperatures and will aggressively seek out their preferred temperature range.

Termites like warmer temperatures, but they will not die until temps reach 25 degrees Fahrenheit. This enables them to survive the majority of winters. Termites burrow deeper into the soil where the temperature is increased when the temperature is below 25°F. Termites will keep going as long as there is dampness lower down.

The termites may appear to have gone away and decreased their activity since they burrow down during the winter. When burrowing, certain termites may expand their tunnels further and then emerge when the temperature rises. When the temperature changes dramatically, it's always a good idea to be cautious.

Regrettably, it's not all fun and games when you're chilly. Despite its effectiveness, we don't offer it as a termite remedy at Positive Pest Management – and for one important reason: freezing procedures aren't safe. On paper, liquid nitrogen may appear to be a good answer, but freezing procedures put your drainage systems at stake.

Seek Professional Help

 Thrown-away wings, mud tubes, sunken or broken wood, and cracks in wood floors are all clear termite symptoms.If you see these termite indicators anywhere around your house, it's important to have a termite management expert evaluate them.

While some DIY termite control methods may work for a modest infestation, most households would rather not take chances. It's usually preferable to contact an experienced termite exterminator because determining the degree of the invasion, as well as the extent of the damage, is challenging.

What We Know So Far About Termites

Termites prefer to reside in dark, wet settings underground. Termites are harmed by sunlight, air, and severe temperatures. Keep an eye out for early termite indications and know what to do if you see any. Make every effort to keep your home well ventilated and free of dark, humid regions. Organic termite control methods should be employed exclusively on limited outbreaks or as precautionary measures. Only two termites are required to survive and re-establish the colony. 

Read More: What Are Those Flying Insects That Come Out of the Drain?

Get Expert Termite Removal And Control With Positive Pest Management

professional pest control worker searching for termites

If you suspect a serious termite infestation, call a professional exterminator right away to avoid more structural damage. You'll be more equipped to keep termites out of your house now that you understand the many varieties of termites and how to kill them. Have control over infestations at home, in your office or wherever: ant colonies, subterranean termite colonies, Formosan termites, swarms, or any other kinds of insect infestations with Positive Pest Management.  

They not only provide excellent customer service to guarantee resolve your pest problem quickly and safely, but they also employ qualified professionals who can identify existing colonies and assist you in avoiding future problems. A pest management professional will thoroughly investigate your property before prescribing a treatment plan to help safeguard your most valuable asset - your home. To know more about our services, contact us today.

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